Friday, December 4, 2009

Best beds for Newborns- Bassinet, Co-sleeper, Cradle

Baby bassinets, co-sleepers, cradles, and Moses baskets are the most popular baby crib alternatives. You can use them safely for the first 5 or 6 months depending on your baby size and motor skills developed during that period. Important thing is to follow closely manufacturer directions and recommendations. Baby crib alternatives make a great spot for your baby for many hours each day, because infant’s main activity will be sleeping and exploring while lying down. It is also very convenient for parents or caregiver, because the light weight and sometimes wheels attached to it.
Baby bassinet, cradle, or co-sleeper are great accessories to build up the proper emotional bonding between the newborn and new parents, they give the opportunity to keep your infant close by. Another very important benefit, which helps newborns feel safer and secure in the smaller, cozy bassinet then in the big and airy crib.
While shopping for crib or bassinet always look for certified models. Certification is indicated by a seal from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association- JPMA.
It is also a good idea to complete and mail in product registration cards so a company can contact you directly in the event of a recall. The most common defects in cribs or bassinets are:
- drop-side failures resulting from both hardware and crib design,
- slats and spindles could break too easily,
- the flaws create entrapment and suffocation hazards,
- faulty hardware, railings that are to low, posing a fall hazard
- mattress supports that leave a gap between the crib and the railing.
Staying up-to-date on recalls can help you to recognize unsafe products that can still be in circulation in stores and resale shops. Second hand, used cribs are not recommended!

For more resources please vist out site at

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